My Baby Bump at Eight Months

It's going to be a great month this month as I am expecting my first born baby boy. Me and my husband is super excited to see the the fruit of our love. 

I am so blessed because I didn't experience any problem during my pregnancy as what others may have experienced like frequent vomitting, not liking so much food and a lot more. The entire time I am pregnant, I have not experienced any difficulty, well there is but at a minimum level. 

As of now, I am experiencing frequent urinisation and it's all natural. Been limiting myself from binge eating since I gained more than a kilo during my last pre-natal check up and my doctor advised me to limit eat small amount of healthy food. 

I am looking forward with our new boy maybe at the end of July or first week of August. Do you have any tips for me when labor comes? Or do you have any experiences that you can share during your pregnancy? 

Thank you!